Police urge motorists to ‘slow down, save lives’

With the gradual relaxing of lockdown restrictions police forces throughout the UK will be stepping up activity from May 25 to June 7 to remind motorists of the importance of travelling at a safe speed and within the speed limit.
The operation is deliberately timed as travel restrictions start to ease, to keep people safe as the volume of traffic increases whilst an usually high number of people continue to use roads and pavements for daily exercise.
Avon and Somerset Police had previously announced the stepping up of traffic patrols as the number of complaints around speeding doubled in the weeks during lockdown. From May 25 the force will increase visible speed enforcement activity, deploying resources to community speed watch sites across the force area and to communities where concerns have been raised around localised issues relating to excessive vehicle speed.
“Speeding is never acceptable and with some lockdown restrictions easing, more people are starting to use the roads for travel reasons outlined by the Government or for exercising such was walking, cycling or running.”
PCC Sue Mountstevens
Sue added: “I know speeding has continued be a concern for local people during the coronavirus pandemic and we all have a personal responsibility to make our roads safe for our communities. Please take care and respect speed limits at all times.”
Inspector Frazer Davey, Roads Policing and Collision Investigation lead for Avon & Somerset Police, says: “We are ramping up our road safety activity to drive home the message that excessive and inappropriate speed kills. Our officers will be carrying out awareness, education and ultimately enforcement activity to help keep our communities safe.
“We have an established network of community speed watch volunteers who are our eyes and ears for community speeding information. We have also listened to localised speeding issues raised by the public. We will be responding to areas of concern with a visible presence.
“As we emerge from lockdown we all have a responsibility to slow down, avoid putting ourselves and others at risk and make our roads as safe as they can be.“
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Anti-social driving is any activity involving a vehicle that causes alarm or distress.
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