PCC thanks dedicated volunteers

PCC Mark Shelford is saying a massive thank you to all the volunteers who support the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Avon and Somerset Police.
The PCC has praised the continuous efforts of those who sit on the OPCC’s scrutiny panels, those who are part of the Appropriate Adults scheme, Special Constables and volunteers who run Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.
“I do not underestimate the dedication and commitment of our volunteers who give up their valuable time to support the work of my office and Avon and Somerset Police.
“During the pandemic, these volunteers adapted to ensure they were still providing the best service to the local people of Avon and Somerset and, as a result, continued to support the PCC in my scrutiny role for the benefit of all our communities.
“I look forward to continuing to work with volunteers as they support me on behalf of local people in ensuring Avon and Somerset Police is efficient, effective and legitimate.”
PCC Mark Shelford
The OPCC’s Independent Custody Visiting scheme (ICVs), the Independent Scrutiny of Police Complaints Panel (ISPCP), Independent Scrutiny of Police Powers Panel and the Out of Court Disposals Panel (OOCD) are made up of local people who freely give up their time to help the PCC ensure the police service is open and accountable.
“A massive thank you to all the fabulous volunteers. You are the crucial eyes and ears of local residents and, as a ‘critical friend’, help the PCC hold the Chief Constable to account. Together, we’re all aiming for an outstanding policing service.”
Volunteers Manager Kathryn Palmer