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12 days of Christmas 

Over the past 12 Days the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner have celebrated some the work we have achieved over this last year.  

Day 1 of 12 Days of Christmas 

In 2023 we celebrated many awards!  

Together with the Purple Fish Communications agency, the OPCC Communications and Engagement team won the 2023 PRCA DARE Public Sector Award, in recognition of a volunteer campaign. 

Prisoner Building Homes (PBH) won an award in recognising excellence and innovation in public-sector property management. PBH is a collaboration between public and private sector partners deliver affordable, sustainable modular homes; while creating job opportunities for prisoners and prison leavers to enable them to turn their lives around and reduce the cycle of reoffending.     

Day 2 of 12 Days of Christmas 

To encourage people to safely discard any knifes and weapons they are carrying and to prevent street-based knife Crime, Avon and Somerset Police installed numbers of weapon surrender bins. Earlier this year, new weapon surrender bins were installed in Castle Park and Knowle. 

Also, lifesaving bleed control kits were launched across Avon and Somerset, they are designed to control bleeding after someone suffers a traumatic injury. 

Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas 

This year the Violence reduction Unit underwent a rebrand and independent review of its model. As a result of the rebrand, the name changed to Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP).  

A couple of weeks ago, they celebrated all things VRP. Whilst celebrating successes and case studies with positive outcomes, VRP came together to also remember those who had lost their lives to youth serious violence recently, these incidents have a huge ripple effect and it is those working across the EIT and VRP spokes, that make a huge positive difference at these times. 

Day 4 of 12 Days of Christmas 

This year the PCC had successful Councillor Forums.  

Not only did the PCC complete his first series of councillor forums at the start of the year, but he also completed his second at the end! They are designed to discuss local policing matters and issues affecting the local community.  

Day 5 of 12 Days of Christmas 

Throughout the year the OPCC have launched many volunteering opportunities as well as celebrating our current ones.  

PCC Mark Shelford held a thank you reception in April for the local people that volunteer to support the work of the OPCC. Volunteers attended from the Independent Residents Panel, Independent Scrutiny of Police Powers Panel, Out of Court Disposals Panel as well as the Independent Custody Visitors. 

We want to say a huge thankyou to all our volunteers for their dedication 

Day 6 of 12 Days of Christmas 

This year, there were big events in Avon and Somerset, including St Pauls Carnival and Glastonbury Festival. 

Deputy PCC, went on a walk about with a Police Officer at Glastonbury Festival, you can read more about this here

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the dedicated Police Staff that made sure these events were safe for us enjoying them. 

Day 7 of 12 Days of Christmas 

Community Speed Watch is a partnership between the community, the Police and Local Authorities. 

It is done by a team of residents who volunteer each week, they get trained and issued with speed detection equipment to monitor speeds. They then make anyone speeding aware of their actions via a letter. Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who want to make our roads safer. 

PCC Mark Shelford is a part of the Bath Local Speed Watch group.  

Day 8 of 12 Days of Christmas 

Operation Tonic is an operation by Avon and Somerset Police (ASP) aimed at reducing fatal and serious injury road collisions. 

This year, the PCC has taken part in many activities to raise awareness and reduce collisions on our road. 

Recently both the PCC and Deputy PCC went on a ride along with Police Officers in the local areas.  

The OPCC also took part in Road Safety Week 2023, you can see more about this here

Day 9 of 12 Days of Christmas 

We recently started recruiting for more volunteers in our Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme and Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Scheme. 

You can read more about them both here: Volunteering | OPCC for Avon and Somerset ( 

Day 10 of 12 Days of Christmas 

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Claire Hiscott had lots of community engagement this year: 

  • Claire went on a walk and talk with PCSO Beatta from Wincanton. Walk and Talk is a scheme by Avon and Somerset Police, where women can arrange to go on a walk with a female police officer in an area where they feel unsafe. 
  • Deputy PCC met with local councillors such as the leader of South Gloucestershire Council, Toby Savage, to hear about policing issues raised by local people. 
  • Claire also visited and celebrated the rebranding of the Violence Reduction partnership. 

You can read more about all the community engagements from the DPCC on our website here: News | OPCC for Avon and Somerset ( 

Day 11 of 12 Days of Christmas 

This year, many Force Awards took place, and the PCC and Deputy PCC were able to congratulate all the dedicated staff who received one. Such as an Outstanding Police Award – to commend the exceptional work of our local police force; long service awards; and bravery and dedication awards. 

Congratulations to everyone who received one this year. 

Day 12 of 12 Days of Christmas 

Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford completed many successful community engagement activities this year.  

Most Fridays the PCC went out visiting many and people, such as MPs, local Councillors and communities in Avon and Somerset.  

He also completed many other important engagements, you can read more about all the community engagements and who he visited on our website here: News | OPCC for Avon and Somerset (