Bristol BASE Hub and Spokes Project
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) contributes towards the Bristol Barnardo’s Against Sexual Exploitation (BASE) Hub and Spokes project, which provides specialist support to victims of child sexual exploitation.
The BASE Hub provides advice, support and guidance to young people under 18 years old (or up to 25 years old for care leavers or those with a learning disability). It also offers a safe environment for victims of child sexual exploitation.
The BASE Hub accepts referrals from partner agencies as well as self-referrals.
The service offers support with current and historical crime.
Who can use the service?
The service is available to those living in:
- Bath and North East Somerset
- Bristol
- North Somerset
- Somerset
- South Gloucestershire
This service is available to those who report to the police and those who do not.
Contact the Bristol BASE Hub and Spokes Project
- by email –
- by phone – call 0117 9349726
- online – visit Barnado’s website