PCC’s next Performance and Accountability Board this Wednesday

PCC Mark Shelford will be holding his regular Performance and Accountability Board on at 1pm on Wednesday 2 November.
The Performance and Accountability Board is a meeting that sees the PCC hold Chief Constable Sarah Crew to account for delivering policing that is efficient and effective by scrutinising and asking questions about police performance and priorities in Avon and Somerset.
The meeting is broadcast live and can be watched via: https://bit.ly/3ge0YcS
During the upcoming Performance and Accountability Board, the PCC will ask the Chief Constable questions relating to police complaints, shop lifting and illegal money lending as well as ask for a progress update on the local and national work happening to tackle disproportionality and racism in policing.
The PCC and Chief Constable will also discuss burglary with a focus on the recent inspectorate report and the national pledge.
The PCC has a legal duty to hold the Chief Constable to account on behalf of local people and the Performance and Accountability Board is where the public can see this happening.
“I was elected to be the voice of local people in policing and it is important that I question the Chief Constable to ensure she is delivering an efficient, effective and legitimate police service for our communities.
“In this broadcast we will be discussing the important issues of police complaints, shop lift, illegal money lending and the national pledge relating to burglary. I encourage local people and partners to watch the meeting as we discuss a broad range of policing issues.”
PCC Mark Shelford
The Board will take place every quarter with the next oversight meeting taking place in February 2023.
Local people can contact the PCC and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) with concerns or questions via the OPCC website: https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/contact/contact-us/
The PCC is has also launched a short survey asking residents for feedback on the format of the Board.
The feedback from this survey will help the OPCC improve the meeting in the future.
To complete the survey, visit: https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/contact/feedback/performance-and-accountability-board-survey/